Our community support services include specific services for domiciliary care, supported living, learning disabilities, autism.
Ontime care will deliver this through the help of our outreach team that engage and support individuals with a dual diagnosis living in their own tenancies. We will also provide move on and rehabilitation services for people with a range of needs, including support for individuals with severe and enduring mental health needs, as well as older adults with functional and organic mental health problems.
Ontime care is committed to working in line with the National Service Framework (NSF) for Mental Health. Care Solutions Healthcare sees how important it is for service users to have meaningful lives, independent living skills and good self-esteem. Our support focuses on recovery and our services work towards rehabilitation for service users, developing skills so that people can take greater control of their lives. We seek to support the person to make progress towards recovery through recognising and building on their strengths, coping abilities, social networks and support systems.
Our staff members working in services for people with mental health needs are given training on the Recovery Model in their induction and as necessary during their employment to ensure a positive understanding of recovery. The effective promotion of the recovery approach and use of WRAPs also needs commitment from our service users to engage in a style of action that is service user directed and works by establishing and putting into practice coping strategies, crisis planning, collaborative working and a realistic and effective approach to recovery. This is a model of “co-production” which pools the resources of the service user, their support networks, our services and partner agencies to produce the best possible outcomes for the service user.